Interactive Signalling

An analogue of pollution awareness

Sept 30 - (2019-09-30)


Immaterials: Light painting WiFi

Representing WIFI signals throughout the city and visualizing them on public buildings.

Digital Ethereal—The secret body of wireless

Displaying phones hanging from the ceiling which people can interact with.

light painting

Electronic Superhighway

Representing the visualization of the highway networks and representing them through screens and divisions of the United States.

Electronic Superhighway

3D Technology in the Restoration of History:

Representing 3D restoration through 3D facial scanning of historical mummy faces.

3D Technology in the Restoration of History

Finding your inner bird

Representing visualization through screens and being able to interact with particles on the screens by personal body inputs.

Finding your inner bird

Beauty and Brains: MRI Art and the Cerebellum

Visualizing brain imagery through scans.Making art and images that show activity of brain's signals.

Beauty and Brains