Interactive Signalling

An analogue of pollution awareness


Interactive signalling is an analogue of pollution awareness. This project visualizes invisible signals such as those we emit by carrying around our smartphones. The aim of our project is to sensitize and raise awareness of pollution.

People are unaware of the impacts of technology on the environment. We use our smartphones, phablets, tablets and computers without thinking of any negative consequences. To demonstrate the problem, we propose to build an immersive and interactive art installation to show these digital emissions by using a mixture of images and sound. The audience engages with the art installation by exploring the space. The centerpiece is a QR code mounted on a pedestal, once scanned, the participant is connected to our project and acknowledges and agrees to hand over their data. The space is equipped with four antennas that capture cellular data, Bluetooth and WIFI in real-time. The data collected from the sensors and from the participants is consolidated to a database on the cloud and subsequently processed to produce a visual and auditory experience.